
The Love Experience Collective

Love Experience places Sexpo at the heart of its mission and DNA. It’s about creating spaces and events that are as safe and secure as possible, where individuals can question and explore their relationship to their body, to nudity, to gender, to sexuality, but also how they connect to others and to themselves. Feminist, inclusive, intersectional, and neutral towards all esoterisms and spiritualities, the Love Experience collective refrains from any discrimination or moral judgment, and offers a wide variety of activities for exploration, awareness, and experimentation, with different levels of commitment and intensity, so that everyone can get the experiences and reflections that suit them.

The « Sexpositive » Feminist Movement

From Love Experience’s perspective, the Sexpo feminist movement is social, philosophical, militant and political. Its goal is to transform societal and cultural norms surrounding sexuality, recognizing it as an integral part of the human experience. The movement promotes individual safety, sovereignty and agency.

Inclusive, the sex-positive movement encompasses all aspects of gender identity, sexual orientation and expression, as well as one’s relationship to self, body and others. It embraces diverse relational choices and models, and advocates for reproductive rights. The movement does not impose moral standards on different sexual practices. Instead, it challenges societal taboos by encouraging consensual, healthy sexual activity and experimentation. Additionally, it actively supports comprehensive sex education and emphasizes the importance of informed consent for all populations.